Zack's Playtesting Review

My honest review:

I like the game a lot. I play card games like Hearthstone and MTG all the time. I also have a history of chess in my family. Six Forms has elements of the games but can't be compared to them.

We like to draw comparisons, not to discredit something, but rather to make it easier to compare and learn. Some card effect keywords are comparable to MTG, but others are unique.

The game right now is fun.

We played with the two decks "radiance" and "corruption". Nothing in the decks felt overpowered, but they did feel powerful. Both decks had the capacity to win and felt good with a theme.

For the game to be in pre-alpha/alpha, it feels very polished. Games are relativity quick (20~ minutes). The cards look amazing, and the flavor text is fun. I appreciate that the lore is open currently. It's definitely something that would be cool to explore, but focusing on gameplay first is something I appreciate.

I find myself looking for something blatantly bad or wrong with Six Forms, so I don't seem biased, but I enjoy the game and would give it a comfortable 9/10. I'm not even sure what wouldn't make it a 10/10, but for what the game is and where it is right now, it's a 9/10. From talking with the creator, Kevin, the future looks promising.

I hope to get into the game and follow it on its journey.

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